Update Notes - v7.3
Copious amounts of much needed sound fixes, tweaks, tuning and polish.
Update Notes - v7.5
New Stream Mechanic: The TTS System (Alpha Testing)
Advanced Text-to-Speech system will read out certain events that occur on stream
New LevelUppers & message (new sub)​
LevelUppers who level up & message (resub)
Mass PowerLevels (sub gift bombs)
Direct Loot (donations)
Bits DPS (cheering)
EXP Bonuses (Hype Trains)
Growing the party (hosts and raids)
Update Notes - v7.1 Hotfix - December 20, 2021
Special Event Rollback
In light of the conclusion of the special event that took place on December 19th, all Coca-Cola references have been removed. Hope you enjoyed the party!
Update Notes - v7.0
Tis the season! This update brings in an immense amount of polish, bug fixes, seasonal updates and a few secret additions for a super awesome special event taking place on December 19, 2021.
This update includes any additions or enhancements done since the last patch notes.
New Stream Mechanic: BITS DPS - The Channel DPS System
Rise in the ranks as a top Bits Damage Dealer when you cheer with bits!
Earn unique and exclusive badges for achieving certain BITS DPS tiers.
Receive recognition and a special DPS splash screen every time you do damage!
Forget how much BITS DPS you've done in the past? No worries! LevelUpLarryBOT will remind you the next time you do some damage!
New Channel Points Rewards
[Seasonal] Holiday Cheer!
Transform the entire stream into a festive holiday theme!
I Have Some Breaking News!
I will report on the information that you would like the entire stream to know!
Healing of the Priestess
Finally! A way to actually heal Larry!
An RNG Blessing
Loot and prosperity revolve around RNG. This bishop's blessing hopes to increase your luck.
The Reptilian Emperor
This crass and relentless lizard aims to remind all of the softskins how inferior they are.
[Seasonal Update]: Merry Ikmas!
Special Event
On December 19th at 8:00PM CT, the LevelUpLarry channel will be sponsored by Coca-Cola for two hours on the frontpage of Twitch! For this stream only, there will be a fun infusion of sponsor-relevant graphics, custom-made scenes, and more!
Unique Scenes:
Reasons to Pour ​One Up
Let's give some deeper thought into the things that bring us joy!
New Emotes:
Exclusive, custom emotes will be available only for this event. Tune in to check them out!
Character Updates:
Zasso the Ranger has found a new projectile to help deliver refreshment with
Kousei the Monk has discovered a delicious new object
Gurashi the Troll now patrols the swamps with some great tasting loot
The RNG Bishop brings luck and knowledge on classic ways to find happiness
General Updates and Bug Fixes:
Added Tier 2 Splash Screen
Added Tier 3 Splash Screen
Added LevelUpHype Splash Screen
Added boss music to "A Wild Dragon Appears"
Added scene for Channel Reward Redemption "Sing in Japanese"
Added scene for Channel Reward Redemption "Do a Glowstick Routine"
New green screening and face-tracking technology is being implemented into various scenes
Fixed vocal effects in 200IQ Hype Rom
Fixed vocal effects in Immersion Hype Rom
New Commands
Added !eqtrivia command which outputs rand EverQuest trivia questions
Added !everquest command to help new viewers understand EverQuest's impact in the MMO space
Added !screen command to help explain why there is sometimes empty space on the bottom of stream
Added !pc command that links to the PC Setup section
Added !bio command that linksto the 'About Me' section
Added !patch command that links to 'Stream Updates' section
Update Notes - v6.5
Tier 1 Emotes
Tier 1 emotes have been expanded from 5 to 25, which also includes Animated Emotes
In order to unlock the +1 emote slots, both new and existing LevelUppers will have to continue to grind EXP
Loyalty Badges
LevelUpper tenure badges have been expanded from 6 to 18, and now cover from day 0 to year 10
General Channel Improvements
A Grinding Streak indicator and expanded loot drops have been added to the Next Level Hype Rom
Various reaction GIFs have been reintroduced
EverQuest Character Cards have been reintroduced
!eqroll has been reintroduced
Minor bug fixes
Discord Improvements:
Re-added EverQuest LFG channel with new purpose but same function. This will be a targeted way of recruiting LevelUppers for future adventures, exp grinds, and dungeon crawls.
Tier 2 & 3 Emotes
Both Tier 2 and Tier 3 emotes are currently being revamped
Producer's Notes - v6.0
This update is less about the individual improvements and tweaks to the stream, but will serve as a cumulative review of the efforts that have taken place over the last several months.
The stream has taken on many different shapes, forms and sizes over the last two years, and from an OBS Studio perspective, there was a lot of clutter and bloat with how things were working behind the scenes. I knew that the daunting task of rebuilding OBS was inevitable because the stability of the stream had been severely compromised. Not only that, but I also realized that there was some longer term value to offloading resources to a separate PC dedicated to streaming.
A dedicated stream PC was built and the entire OBS operation was completely revamped. These two things have been incredibly time consuming, especially since I was going into this project with a heightened level of meticulousness like never before, but they were by far the most important things that I've done for the stream to date.
There was still a bit of trial and error, but I'm confident and happy to say that you can now count on a stable, reliable, high quality stream every time!
Patch Notes - v5.0
The new decade brings a slew of new improvements to the stream. 5.0 revisits a lot of the existing content and features of the stream and ascends it a bit!
Hype Roms
To continue working towards the vision of having a cohesive brand/channel experience, there have been a ton of tweaks and polish made to several aspects of the channel. I'm still nowhere near 100% but we're making progress!
There are several new "passive" Hype Roms and stream mechanics! Come check them out!
The following existing Hype Roms have been upgraded or completely revamped:
Gear/Named Select
Next Level
EXP Chat Grind
New Systems
• Text-to-Speech has been enabled for all LevelUppers (subs). !tts [message] to try it out!
• !clip should work as intended. Capture the previous 30 seconds of footage and automagically clip it!
• Voice command system in beta testing. More to come.
Website Content:
• Bio Section Updated
• Streaming Setup Updated
• Much more to come!
Patch Notes - v4.0
Twitch Plays LevelUpLarry, v1.0
I am absolutely thrilled to unveil the foundation of a channel-exclusive, Twitch-integrated game that will add a deeper layer of depth to this channel.
Built from the ground up as a side project by a star developer of a major gaming company generous with their free time, TPLUL aims to achieve next-level viewer engagement and content depth rarely ever seen on Twitch in this form.
In its current v1.0 state, the base mechanics in this 2D Side Scroller are simple and straightforward. Using the !spawn command, you, the viewer, will create enemies that the protagonist, LevelUpLarry, will have to defeat in real-time. The more viewers who engage, the more enemies I will have to slay. Have a sub badge? You spawn bigger enemies. Have a bit badge? You spawn even bigger enemies!
Game evolution takes on many different shapes and sizes - from boss encounters to a viewer EXP system to building an entire universe fueled by a unique storyline… the opportunities are vast and the ambition has no bounds.
While there are plenty of ambitious ideas on the roadmap, a good majority of the progression of this game revolves around your engagement, your feedback, and your support. Each of you has the ability to shape this game into something even more unique and engaging, and that in itself, is incredibly exciting!
***Dedicated TPLUL page is coming soon.***
OBS Profile rebuild is 60% completed with full completion slated for mid to late August. Part of that process includes polishing features and assets to build higher quality stream. There's too much to list in this category but I do want to say thank you for your patience throughout this process!
Immersion Hype Rom 2.0 (beta) has been loaded up!
Hype-Ku and Caliente Hype Roms now have Hack Rom variations.
12-Hour Stream Exclusive Hype Roms: Item Drop and LULAMAA temporarily shelved.
Added new transition screen when going to LevelUpLounge
EQ Only: Named Select Hype Rom now includes Grandmaster Tier. Oh boy.
Website Content:
Added a new page, The Hype Rom Collection! This will be a repository of all of my Hype Roms and a brief description of what they are along with demo samples! Just like everything else, work in progress. Go check it out!
Added an update Contact Form in case there's a need for a more formal communication path. Current categories include:
General Questions​
Channel Feedback
Sponsorship Opportunity
Business Inquiry
Interest in Modding
Discord Content:
Slowly expanding new channels to help promote a community of helping others and expression. This will evolve based on participation. The following channels are now live under the Streaming and Tech category:
Battlestations and Tech​ (show off your setup and tech goods!)
Self-Promotion (talk yourself up!)
Stream Collaboration (connect with me and other streamers!)
Stream Feedback (give feedback and request feedback from others!)
Mini-Patch Notes - v3.5
Here's the first mini-patch for the stream! Hope you enjoy!
New and updated HYPE ROMS
In light of FOCUS TARGET (early access) being completely non-functioning, I am introducing the NEXT LEVELS Hype Rom!
This particular Hype Rom will give a very special shoutout to consecutive month LevelUppers/subscribers.
Hype Rom: IMMERSION updated to include more...immersion. Will we reach a new level of immersion?
Hype Rom: AEROBIC GRATITUDE now proudly showcases a new variety of aerobic athleticism!
Get random channel stats and more with the new LOADING SCREENS (alpha)!
Additional content updates:
The TV in the LevelUpLounge (under construction) now has multiple channels! Bring popcorn!
"Outside Looking In​"
"Art Appreciation"
"Mirin' Some Music"
Project 1999 Exclusive: Solo Artist Challenge - NAMED SELECT scenes added.
Website: Perks section reflects new emote and other useful information.
YouTube series "Rewind in Five" now has four episodes!
Known bugs:
Certain overlay assets (social and webcam bars) are not looping correctly as originally intended
Animated alerts do not line up with where static alerts pop-up in the right hand corner
Experiencing technical issues with scene transition consistency over time for some unknown reason
Hotfix - v3.1
New EverQuest Command: !dmg <mob_dmg_number> (ex: !dmg 144)
Since I'm too lazy to memorize the equation and do the math in my head, there's now a command where you can determine the level of a mob based on its damage by running this command. (Thanks, Fuzzhead93!)
​Patch Notes - v3.0
After much anticipation, Stream Update 3.0 is finally here! This updates brings a lot of unique new content to include a STATE OF THE STREAM letter, a new re-branded mechanic HYPE ROMS (formerly Hype Events), FOCUS TARGET (early access), UI Updates and more!
Patch notes also include all changes that have taken place between now and previous patch.
This letter allows me to give a more in-depth and intimate view into where the small operation of LevelUpLarry has come and where it's going in the near future. I hope to do these letters at least twice a year, if not once a quarter. I hope you enjoy! You can go check it out HERE.
Stream Mechanic Update: Hype Events are now HYPE ROMS
In order to ensure a cohesive brand, Hype Events are now called HYPE ROMS. For the uninitiated, this has been a method that I use to inject some extra entertainment and creativity value into the stream.
The name change was made because I felt that "Hype Events" in tandem with the execution of them was a little rough around the edges. Under the new name and a more refined execution system, I feel a bit better about alignment with the vision of LevelUpLarry, which is classic/retro gaming with a strong nod to RPG and other personal favorite gaming elements. Hence the name, HYPE ROMs!
Eventually, there will be a fancy and fun repository/collection of all the HYPE ROMS, but for now, here's the latest list:
Aerobic Gratitude (current)​
Freestyle [formerly Hype Rap] (upgraded)
Hype-ku (upgraded)
Freestyle Expansion: Full Combo Mode (new)
Immersion (new)
Sketch (new)
Caliente (new)
Jamout (new)
200IQ (new)
Ascension (new)
Each HYPE ROM has its own loading screen or loading notification.
New Stream Mechanic: FOCUS TARGET (early access)
Get the proper spotlight of attention for your generosity! FOCUS TARGET will highlight key individuals who go above and beyond to help support the stream and its community in unique, stream-exclusive target window.
Changes to HYPE LEVELS
The stream has re-rolled and is now starting from scratch at level 1! Let the new adventure begin!
New Scene Added: GAME OVER
For when things really take a turn for the worse, it's Game Over!
New Ending Event Added: HIGH SCORES (beta)
Get a full recap of the session's supporters at the end of each stream!
New Transition Event Added: LOADING SCREENS (alpha)
This Loading Screen will pop up at random times, but pay attention! It may contain some cool tips!
Currently, there is only one Loading Screen. Be on the lookout for more over time!
Upgraded UI Elements (work in progress)
There have been a few changes made to some of the graphical assets you see on stream to include:
Animated Subscriber, Bits and Donation alerts (unforeseen bug has forced me to disable every other notification. Fix pending)​
Animated Starting, Ending, BRB screens
New transition stinger
Animated Intermission screen (more incoming soon)
Animated webcam and social bar (coming soon)
Emote Recap
There are a total of 6 Twitch-wide emotes, with one more on the way in the next week. LevelUpHype!
Known Bugs:
As mentioned earlier, certain alert notifications are currently disabled until I can figure out how to resolve.
There may or may not be random bot issues as I integrate a secondary bot into the channel to handle advanced command functions.
!eqroll doesn't work, but I don't think anyone is crazy enough to roll Legacy these days.
Continually trying to improve audio level and lighting consistency. Work-in-progress!
Patch Notes - v2.0
Stream Update 2.0 is here! Changes in this version include the HYPE LEVELS expansion, the all-new LEGACY MODE, a new Intro Animation and much, much more!
Enjoy an all new intro pixel animation handmade by Iron_Hyena to kick off the stream proper! Expect plug-and-play scenes in the future!
Stream Mechanic Update: HYPE LEVELS - RUINS OF HYPE-NARK
The expansion is here! Get item drops and stream upgrades through your channel hype and engagement! There have been a few updates so be sure to read HERE for more details.
​New Game Mode: LEGACY MODE
Push yourself and your blood pressure to the limits! Play classic EQ the way it was never meant to be played! You die, you delete! See HERE for more details.
Subscriber Perk Updates:​
New Tier 1 Emote Added: HeyEQ
New Tier 2 Emote Added: EQCharmed
Introducing: Hype Events! Hype Haiku and Hype Rap and occur when hype is hot!
Wall of Hype has been updated to include all supporters for Hype Levels: Classic
Stream Upgrade: LevelUpSFX
Unlocked during Hype Levels: Classic. LevelUppers (Subscribers) can enjoy the all-new, inconsistently-working SFX system! Fake Ding me into insanity to your heart's content. See HERE for a full list of SFX.
New Commands:
!channelperks - Perks for those who support the channel
!ffz - Check out the additional FFZ emotes
!eqtips - Get a random EQ tip
!wow - Did I do something to impress you? Wow me!
!eqroll - Legacy Mode only! Roll your character on stream for all to see!
Tweaks and Improvements:
Added audio spectrum visualizer and song info
Replaced pre-live jams with an all new jam
Two new hype scenes added :)
New FFZ emotes added: ppJedi and ChogPamp
Stream Patch Notes - v1.0
I am proud to present more information for Stream Update 1.0-Hype Levels, which includes a brand new, exclusive Stream Mechanic, new Subscriber Perks, new Commands, and more!
New Stream Mechanic Added: Hype Levels
Earn stream item drops and upgrades through your channel hype and engagement! Read here for more details.
New Website Section Added: Wall of Fame
Be part of something that lasts forever. Everyone who has shown their support for the stream will now be spotlighted over here.
New Merch Store Added: LevelUpMerch
Ascend your support by sporting the stylin' LevelUp logo! Bonus: Send action shots to larry@leveluplarry.com or in the LevelUppers Discord channel. You can find the store here.
New Stream Scene Added: Let's Chat First
This new scene will allow for me to cover any updates, announcements or shoutouts at the beginning of the stream before I start the gameplay portion.
Subscriber Perks:
Added Hype Levels perk to each Subscription Tier
Added Wall of Fame perk to all Subscription Tiers
Added Personalized Haiku perk to Tier 2 Subscription
Added Personalized Animated GIF perk to Tier 3 Subscription
Subscriber Loyalty Badges have been re-balanced:
Tier 1: Green​ Joystick
Tier 2: Gold Joystick
Tier 3: Platinum Blue Joystick
Removed: Silver Joystick
New Commands:
!hypelevels - Links to Hype Levels page
!nextlevel - Estimated next level for item drop
!lastlevel - Previous item drop level and item
!fame - Supporters' Wall of Fame
!subperks - Links to unique subscriber perks
!updates - Links to the latest stream patch notes
Overlay Tweaks:
Added fully customized Hype Levels EXP Bar with counter.
Nerfed size of music video capture to accommodate for added assets
Meticulous asset and alert text alignment
Some alerts sounds have been modified
Bug Fixes:
Highlight scene audio issue has been fixed. Previously, there would be audio from both myself in real-time and audio from the recorded highlights.
Certain commands that were mistakenly set as Caster only have now been fixed to include Everyone.
Corrected the immersion-breaking bit alert behavior.